Digital Printing System at Harn Engineering Solutions Public Company Limited was one of the main sponsors in Roadmap Drinking Edition 2017 at Jupiter Function Rooms, IMPACT Muang Thong Thani
Mr. Russell Wiseman, Global Sector Manager from DOMINO UK Ltd., was invited as a main speaker under a topic of “Increasing the Efficiency in the Beverage Manufacturing though Innovative Can Coding Technology” for participants specialised in drinking industry and business.
Apart from knowledge from the guest speaker, the function room was exhibited with HARN printing products such as
F720i Can Coding
laser printing technology that suits can containers printing in humid production area
Ax350i Inkjet Printer
ink printing technology that suits variety of containers and cost effective.
The event was full of knowledge and activities that organisers and the company prepared for guests. It is assured that participants left home with joyful spirits.